New Swear Words

New Swear Words

Madison Charlton

6,59 €
IVA incluido
The Shop Under Glad Day
Año de edición:
Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.
6,59 €
IVA incluido
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Get ready to unleash a linguistic revolution with 'New Swear Words' by the irreverent wordsmith Madison Charlton! This 50-page marvel is not just a book; it’s a riot of colorful language that’ll have you laughing, learning, and swearing with gusto. Dive into an adult playground of language with hundreds of new swear words, carefully crafted with definitions and hilarious examples of usage.Whether you’re a linguistic thrill-seeker, a language enthusiast, or just someone looking to spice up your vocabulary, this book is your golden ticket. Madison Charlton doesn’t just push the boundaries; she blows them wide open. The well-organized index ensures you can find the perfect expletive for any occasion, making it a linguistic adventure tailored to your tastes.

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