Safari to the Island of Trinidad

Safari to the Island of Trinidad

Abel Hernández-Muñoz

59,21 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Zoología y ciencias animales
59,21 €
IVA incluido
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Islands have always been considered magical places, appearing on the horizon when sailors had already given up hope of survival. They have been emblems of the natural exoticism that characterizes the figurations of earthly paradises. They are places isolated by the sea, subject to it, in total harmony with nature. The sea, which is the cradle of life, has given the islands their best clothes and they are like outcrops of the spirit of the oceans. It is enough to reach them for man to feel in his whole body the energy they transmit. And among the islands, those of the tropics are like the first class of the ship of life, because they are also light and color. This is how I felt on my expedition to Trinidad Island, the largest island in the archipelago of Trinidad & Tobago. It was an excursion to the jungle of this island located at the southern end of the Antilles arch, at the southeastern limit of the Caribbean Sea, in front of the Orinoco River delta and north of Venezuela. It is a unique paradise of the Orinoco fauna, where you can find spiders, snakes, macaws, macaws, heels, hummingbirds, dances, ocelots, deer, jaguars, caimans, sloths, manatees, among others.

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