The Power Formula

The Power Formula

The Power Formula

Beverly A Zeimet

21,72 €
IVA incluido
Alternative Solutions With Results
Año de edición:
Poderes psíquicos y fenómenos psíquicos
21,72 €
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What really drives the human spirit? What is the heart, mind, body, spirit connection all about? The mind is more than the human brain. The human body is a highly technical piece of equipment that is far more complicated and advanced than any computer man has designed to date.Just like the hard drive of your computer that is programmed a certain way to perform specific actions so can the human brain be programmed in a similar way. This is often times referred to as brain washing. Memorizing and performing a same activity repeatedly also seats a program to run unconsciously without you having to put thought to it. These are referred to has habits or addictions. These become beliefs and those files are stored in the memory of your cells where they perform unattended and are triggered by emotions or feelings.All thought is magnetic, therefore once your program is created it has the ability to attach emotions and feelings that relate to said program thus increasing the programs ability to perform more intently. Talking with others who are experiencing similar emotions or feelings and you sympathize with them it triggers in your program those same emotions or feelings and that magnetism attaches there stuff to your stuff. This happens through conversations as well as when you watch a movie that triggers an emotional reaction.In the pages of The Power Formula this information is laid out specifically and broken down to where you can understand it easily and begin recognizing how your daily actions are ruling your performance. You will also be given a step-by-step program that will assist you in eliminating those programs that rule you and replace them with the new program that becomes your current truth.Your true identity begins to shine. The truth about who you really are is exposed. Build confidence, trust and love with who you are. Become an expression of your beliefs and walk your truth. Discover the simple steps that put you in charge of your life and the choices you make. Begin living the life you were destined to life. Your dreams and visions can become reality.This can only happen if you are ready to take action and responsibility for who you truly are. Be the change you want to see in the world around you. Become an expression of peace, harmony and unconditional love for all of humanity. Become one with the universe and open to allow the universe to be one with you.  3

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