Think in English- Right Approach to Fluent English

Think in English- Right Approach to Fluent English

Anshuman Sharma / Nilam Pathak

14,03 €
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Aegis India PL
Año de edición:
Comunicación y presentación empresarial
14,03 €
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English is an international language, which means that the communication with most people other than your fellow native speakers would be in English. The present time requires us to interact with other people either digitally or physically for business, education, social or personal purposes. This fact itself is enough to present the importance of English in our life. Governments, educational boards, universities and institutions have made sure that English remains an important part of the curriculum. Kids accept English as one of their major subjects since the beginning of their education. For years, they learn about various segments of the English language, with a constant increase in complexity. There are taught grammar, sentence formation, word power, pronunciation and writing paragraphs in English. It is logical to assume that all these students will easily be able to converse in English, but that is the pain point. Most people with a native language other than English have difficulty communicating with others in spoken English. It is ironic to know that a person with the ability to write in English and well conversant in grammar rules would struggle to speak in English fluently. But this truth is faced by a large percentage of people who aspire to speak fluent English. Where is the problem? The problem is in realizing the truth about learning languages. English is the second language for most people, except native English speakers in countries like England, the United States of America, Australia and Canada. The difficulty of learning a second language is that it is learned by keeping the native language at the foundation. This means that English will be learned with reference from their native language, like translations, similarities in syntax, grammar rules, words and sentence formations. It is also dependent on the education system which focuses on training grammar rules, translations and written English. It is assumed that spoken English will come naturally to the students, sadly that never happens. It is easy to find students in English medium schools and colleges struggling to present a topic in English. Most will avoid interactions in English, using the native language as the fundamental language of communication. Another fact is known to all, one of the top skills required to get any decent job is fluency in spoken English. The solution is the realization that spoken and written English have equal importance but must be taught differently. The methodology specified in the book is based on the philosophy that the language should be taught and learned like the native speaker, just the way we learned our native language. The idea will be explained and discussed in detail in the coming chapters.

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